ITEA JOURNAL VOLUME 37:2 (Winter 2010)

Editor: Unknown
What’s happening with Sérgio Carolino?
What’s happening with Sérgio Carolino By Deanna Swoboda, ITEA Vice-President/President Elect Editor’s note: It’s been several years since Sérgio Carolino was “introduced” to ITEA...
Lloyd Bone, Associate Editor APPOINTMENTS Global search finds American as new RSNO Principal Tuba The Royal Scottish National Orchestra (RSNO) has made two significant...
Selected Bibliography - “Shorty” Piston Valves: The Short-Action Piston Valve of Frank Holton Company
“Shorty” Piston Valves: The Short-Action Piston Valve of Frank Holton & Company by Ken Drobnak, Curatorial Assistant, National Music MuseumVermillion, South Dakota Do your...
Conference Corner
Conference Corner Kelly Thomas & Mark Nelson, Co-Hosts ITEC 2010May 23–25 CompetitionsMay 25–29 Conference I NNOVATE  ♦  TRANSLATE  ♦  EDUCATE  ♦  CREATE The past...
Proposed ITEA Constitutional Changes - This organization shall be known as the International Tuba-Euphonium Association, ITEA.
Proposed ITEA Constitutional ChangesSubmitted by Jennifer Jester, ITEA Executive The following are excerpted sections from the ITEA constitution containing changes that must be...
Programs - Faculty/Professional Performances
Phillip C. Black, tubaWichita State University, Wichita, KS 11/01/09Emerald Isle Suite for Tuba by Jeremy SchwingerExcursions for Tuba and Harpsichord by (premiere performance) Barton...
David Zerkel
President’s Corner
David Zerkel, ITEA “The Daily Grind” Happy New Year! I hope that we all had a little time over the holidays to stop...
Arthur Lehman: Euphonium Artist, Prolific Writer -
From the Memoirs of Arthur Lehman Arthur Lehman: Euphonium Artist, Prolific Writer an Introduction by David Werden Arthur Lehman is an important part of...
Arthur Lehman Remembrances - Arthur W. Lehman – A view from within the United States Marine Band
Arthur Lehman Remembrances Arthur W. Lehman – A view from within the United States Marine Band by D. Michael Ressler On Friday, June 19,...
HISTORICAL INSTRUMENT SECTION - "The Serpent at the Center of the Stage"
Craig Kridel and Clifford Bevan, Editors “The Serpent at the Center of the Stage” by Clifford Bevan 1942 was not a good year in...