Editor: Unknown
What’s happening with Sérgio Carolino?
By: Deanna Swoboda
What’s happening with Sérgio Carolino By Deanna Swoboda, ITEA Vice-President/President Elect Editor’s note: It’s been several years since Sérgio Carolino was “introduced” to ITEA...
By: Lloyd Bone
Lloyd Bone, Associate Editor APPOINTMENTS Global search finds American as new RSNO Principal Tuba The Royal Scottish National Orchestra (RSNO) has made two significant...
Selected Bibliography - “Shorty” Piston Valves: The Short-Action Piston Valve of Frank Holton Company
By: Ken Drobnak
“Shorty” Piston Valves: The Short-Action Piston Valve of Frank Holton & Company by Ken Drobnak, Curatorial Assistant, National Music MuseumVermillion, South Dakota Do your...
Proposed ITEA Constitutional Changes - This organization shall be known as the International Tuba-Euphonium Association, ITEA.
By: Jennifer Jester
Proposed ITEA Constitutional ChangesSubmitted by Jennifer Jester, ITEA Executive Directorjenniferjester@iteaonline.org The following are excerpted sections from the ITEA constitution containing changes that must be...
President’s Corner
By: David Zerkel
David Zerkel, ITEA Presidentdzerkel@uga.edu “The Daily Grind” Happy New Year! I hope that we all had a little time over the holidays to stop...
Arthur Lehman: Euphonium Artist, Prolific Writer -
By: David Werden
From the Memoirs of Arthur Lehman Arthur Lehman: Euphonium Artist, Prolific Writer an Introduction by David Werden Arthur Lehman is an important part of...
HISTORICAL INSTRUMENT SECTION - "The Serpent at the Center of the Stage"
By: Clifford Bevan
Craig Kridel and Clifford Bevan, Editors “The Serpent at the Center of the Stage” by Clifford Bevan 1942 was not a good year in...