ITEA Committee Members Wanted!​

I want to make ITEA as relevant as possible to all kinds of members worldwide. We want to create member services that make your life with the tuba or euphonium more fun, easy, educational, and interesting – and, if you are a professional, more profitable.

For this, I need your help.

Would you like to serve on one of our new committees? Purpose: To develop ideas on how to make ITEA better for you. Please see the description under each committee below. Only committees with vacancies are listed. 

You will join a very dedicated group of people on our newly assembled board of directors, including amateurs/enthusiasts, freelancers, jazz players, educators, orchestra musicians, and business leaders.

See below for how to apply.

ystein Baadsvik, ITEA President

What is an ITEA committee?

A group of 3-5 people that meet regularly to discuss and suggest solutions to the committee’s purpose. Your job is quarterly to write a report with actionable advice and pass it on to the Executive Director. The Executive Committee will then evaluate and prioritize, and have our professional staff realize as many of your ideas as our resources allow.

How much work is it?

Each committee will work independently and have 3-4 online meetings per year.

What qualifications do I need?

The most important is that you are positive, driven, and like to share and discuss ideas with others. I am looking for members from all constituencies. Beginners, students, amateurs and professionals. 

Look for a committee that interests you. English will be the main language in the committees.

I am looking for members of all nationalities, genders, and creeds.

The Committees that need members:


Purpose: To quarterly review our endowment and to recommend endowment policies.
Chair: Beth Chouinard Mitchell
Members: Jim Self


Purpose: To review strategy, plan, and assist with yearly annual fund and endowment fundraising.
Chair: Rod Matthews


Purpose: To review ITEA’s investment mix. How do we manage our financial assets in the best possible way?
Chair: Vacant



  • Make ITEA relevant to freelancers and jazz musicians.
  • Make freelancers and jazz musicians join ITEA.
  • Make ITEA a useful resource for jazz musicians.
  • Advice on how to promote these resources.

Chair: János Masura



  • To identify and communicate how ITEA can be relevant for amateur/enthusiast players worldwide. This includes all aspects of ITEA activities, such as:

  1. Journal content
  2. Website content
  3. ITEC program
  4. Day-to-day activities of ITEA

Chair: David Paulson

College Students
Students Wanted!


  • Make ITEA relevant to college students.
  • Make more students members.
  • Help students create local Chapters.
  • Help with guest artists.
  • Help with travel grants, instrument.

Chair: Jesse Orth 

Professional Educators


  • How can ITEA be relevant to professional educators on all levels, in all countries?
  • Make more students members.
  • Coordinate and consolidate educational ideas.
  • Investigate exchange and support possibilities between institutions and countries.
  • Create online Q&A resource. For students and educators.
  • Suggest other useful services for professional educators.

Chair: Aaron Tindall

Orchestral Development


  • Make ITEA relevant to orchestra players worldwide.
  • What can ITEA do to help orchestra players worldwide?

Chair: Vacant

Audit Committee


  • Oversee the financial operations of the Organization.
  • Monitor compliance by the Board of Directors with applicable law and best practices for nonprofit organizations.
  • Making recommendations to the Board regarding the removal of Directors from the Board.
  • Monitor compliance by directors with the Organization’s conflict of interest policy.
  • Review and evaluate the work performance of the organization’s hired staff.

Chair: Vacant

ITEA Awards


  • Coordinate the ITEA awards.
  • Consolidate the award announcement text and rules, and update deadlines.
  • Make sure the award is properly announced.
  • Collect and vet submissions.
  • Oversee the voting process.

The professional ITEA staff will be at the committee’s disposal for practical action such as website updates, mass emails, and similar.

Chair: Warren Deck

Social Outreach

Purpose: Help talented but underprivileged tuba/euphonium players worldwide with learning possibilities and instruments. Ideas: Free online learning, Scholarships, Travel support, Borrow a tuba program.
Chair: Benjamin Ordaz


Purpose: Create an online store with merchandise for our existing website. We use WordPress. Find a suitable selection of items (Hats, pens, scarves, shirts etc) Come up with a good design. Suggest logistical setup. Drop shipping or other solutions.
Chair: Vacant

DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion)

Purpose: To develop strategies for expanding the DEI reach of ITEA.
Chair: Dan Burdick

How to apply?