Editor: Unknown
The Presidents Corner
By: Skip Gray
The Presidents Corner (Skip Gray, ITEA President) The largest employers of tuba and euphonium players throughout the world are military bands. These ensembles provide...
On Audition & Contest Preparation for Wind Instrument Performers (The Unwritten Rules)
By: Joseph D. Goble
On Audition & Contest Preparation for Wind Instrument Performers (The Unwritten Rules) By Joseph D. Goble After a number of years of studio teaching...
Con Sordino, Prestissimo
By: John Elliot
Con Sordino, Prestissimo By John Elliot I have recently completed a lengthy ~ national tour with the Glyndeboume Opera Company, playing Sir Harrison Birtwistle’s...
By: Joseph Skillen
News (Joe Skillen, Editor, ITEA Journal News) Dear fellow musicians, I hope you are enjoying these news columns. The success of keeping them current...
Conference Corner
By: Dennis Askew
Conference Corner (Dennis AsKew, Co-host, ITEC 2002) Greetings All! By the time you read this we’ll be into the last months of preparation for...
Tips for Tuba (Vol. IC)
By: David Porter
Tips for Tuba (Vol. IC) (David Porter, Principal Tuba, The McLean Orchestra) Music is a second language In previous articles, we established ways to...
By: Craig Kridel
Historical Instrument Section: Serpent (Craig Kridel and Clifford Bevan, Editors) Streams of Recent Serpent Occurrences (By Craig Kridel) The serpent world continues to flourish...
Article Abstracts
By: Andrew Carlson
Article Abstracts The Euphonium and Tuba in the U.S. Military By Andrew Carlson, Associate Editor for Military Bands This extensive article includes an overview...
The United States Military Bands
By: Andrew Carlson
The United States Military Bands Compiled and Edited by Andrew Carlson, Associate Editor for Military Bands The U.S. Military Bands have long played an...