When ITEA switched to the new website we transferred members that were recent by October 2022. In this process, you need to create a new password. You can use your old password, but you must set it up again. See below for instructions.
If your membership was expired by October -22, you would have to join ITEA again here.
Questions: Contact memberships@iteaonline.org.
Old username VS new username
On ITEAs previous website, your username could have a space character.
In the new website, this is no longer possible and the space has been replaced with an underscore. For example, if your previous username was john doe, it is now john_doe.
Just like before you can log in using your email address instead of your username.
How to reset your password
1. Click on Sign In
You can also go directly to this link and proceed to step number 3.
2. Click on Forgot Password
You can also go directly to this link and proceed to step number 3.
3. Type In Your Email and click on Request reset link
Here you can type in your email address OR your username. If you had spaces in your old ITEA username, they are now replaced with a dash. Example: If your previous username was john doe it will now be john-doe
If you get a message that says Error: There is no account with that username or email address, you were most likely not a paying member of ITEA by October 2022. Don’t worry. You can join again here.
4. Check your email and click on the Click Here link
5. Enter a new password. This can be the same as on the previous website.
You can use the suggested secure password, or delete it and type in your own. Remember to retype the password and the click Save.