Editor: Unknown
Tips for Tuba Three Simple Steps to Better Practicing
By: Mark Thiele
Tips for Tuba Mark Thiele Three Simple Steps to Better Practicing Students are always asking me questions like, “How do I play higher (insert...
From the Back Row Carol Jantsch of the Philadelphia Orchestra
By: Benjamin Pierce
From the Back Row by Carol Jantsch with Benjamin Pierce Carol Jantsch of the Philadelphia Orchestra Carol Jantsch grew up in Ohio and attended...
Experts' Excerpts for Euphonium Holst's First Suite in Eb for Military Band
By: John Caputo
Experts’ Excerpts for Euphonium John Caputo Holst’s First Suite in Eb for Military Band One of the most important and interesting things to do...
Editor's Desk
By: Benjamin Pierce
Editor’s Desk Benjamin Pierce (pierce@iteaonline.org) Any jazzer will tell you that Rich Matteson was the real deal. Great jazz is about chops and a...
Dear Dr. TubaEuph
By: Kevin Wass
Dear Dr. TubaEuph: Kevin Wass Dear Dr. TubaEuph: I’ve picked up from your previous articles that you like to read on a variety of...
Conference Corner
By: Dan Perantoni
Conference Corner Dan Perantoni, ITEC 2014 Host ITEC 2014, from May 19-24, 2014, will encompass six days of concerts, recitals, lectures, panel discussions, competitions,...
BIG IN JAPAN: "Eirik The Viking" Tours Japan
By: Eirik Gjerdevik
BIG IN JAPAN: “Eirik The Viking” Tours Japanby Eirik Gjerdevik Edited by Mike Forbes In celebration of the ten year anniversary of “The Tuba...