ITEA JOURNAL VOLUME 40:2 (Winter 2013)

Editor: Unknown
Sonidos del Sur: Panatubas 2012
Sonidos del Sur: Panatubas 2012 Patricio Cosentino (Translated by Benjamin Pierce) Adam Frey and Patricio Cosentino at Panatubas Panama is an amazing country. Known...
ITEA Chapter Highlight: University of Memphis
ITEA Chapter Highlight: University of Memphis by Mark Bonner The University of Memphis Chapter of I.T.E.A. is comprised of 16-18 students under the advisement...
Marty Erickson
ITEA 2013 Elections for President-Elect/Vice-President CANDIDATE INFORMATION
ITEA 2013 Elections for President-Elect/Vice-President CANDIDATE INFORMATION Marty Erickson Dr. Mark Nelson MARTY ERICKSON: Biography Marty Erickson is currently the Instructor of Tuba, Euphonium...
Historical Instruments The Microtonal Tuba: Capabilities and Opportunities
Historical Instruments Craig Kridel and Clifford Bevan, Editors The Microtonal Tuba: Capabilities and Opportunities by Robin Hayward The 2012 Clifford Bevan Award for Excellence...
Harvey Phillips Remembered: The Wisdom, Action, and Heart of "Mr. Tuba"
Harvey Phillips Remembered: The Wisdom, Action, and Heart of “Mr. Tuba” by Ted Cox Harvey Phillips was one of the most important musicians in...
From the Back Row: Thoughts from Gene Pokorny (2012)
From the Back Row: Thoughts from Gene Pokorny (2012) by Gene Pokorny, with Matthew Lyon Matthew Lyon: How do you view your role in...
Experts' Excerpts for Euphonium
Experts’ Excerpts for Euphonium by Matthew Tropman Festive Overture by Dimitri Shostakovich/ Donald Hunsberger Donald Hunsberger’s transcription of Festive Overture nearly always appears on...
Benjamin Pierce
Editor's Desk
Editor’s Desk Ben Pierce ( The more time goes by, the more I find myself wondering how I fit into all sorts of things....
Conference Corner: 2013 ITEA Regional Conferences
Competition: 23rd INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION “CITTÀ DI PORCIA” Courtesy of the Associazione Amici della Musica “Salvador Gandino” November 5-10, 2012 The twenty-third edition of the...