ITEA JOURNAL VOLUME 36:2 (Winter 2009)

Editor: Unknown
Pedagogy Section - Circular Breathing Defined
Pedagogy Section Winter 2009 Pedagogy Articles: “Strategies for Music Learning” by George Palton “Circular Breathing Defined” by Paul Nobis Tips for Tuba: “Downbeat, upfeet!”...
“Citti di Porcia” 19th Annual Concorso Internazionale
“Citti di Porcia” by John Stevens “Citti di Porcia” 19th Annual Concorso Internazionale Insert the following photos throughout the article: HEADER PHOTO: Giuria_vinc.jpg: (L-R):...
Wesley Jacobs: The career of a lifetime
Wesley Jacobs: The career of a lifetimeby Jacob Cameron Wes Jacobs Wesley Jacobs has had a truly phenomenal career, highlighted by his 38 years...
An Analysis and Performance Guide to the Tuba Music of Alice Gomez
An Analysis and Performance Guide to the Tuba Music of Alice Gomezby George Palton AcknowledgementsThis article is a brief summary of my DMA Project...
Pedagogy Section
Pedagogy Section Winter 2009 Pedagogy Articles: “Strategies for Music Learning” by George Palton “Circular Breathing Defined” by Paul Nobis Tips for Tuba: “Downbeat, upfeet!”...
President’s Column
Dennis AsKew, ITEA President During the General Membership meeting this past summer at ITEC 2008, the idea of more equal representation of euphoniumists in...
ITEA Gem Series No. 19 - “Painterly” Etudes for Tuba Alone
Composer’s NotesThe “Painterly” Etudes for Tuba Alone were composed between 1988 and 1991. I was teaching tuba at a small college in West Virginia...
Pedagogy Section - Tips for Tuba, Volume IX A: Downbeat, upfeet!
Pedagogy Section Winter 2009 Pedagogy Articles: “Strategies for Music Learning” by George Palton “Circular Breathing Defined” by Paul Nobis Tips for Tuba: “Downbeat, upfeet!”...
Craig Kridel and Clifford Bevan, Editors The Start Of Something Splendidby Clifford Bevan Editor’s Note: With this column we continue (and conclude) our two-issue...
A 5-Year Retrospective on the International Euphonium Institute
A 5-Year Retrospective on the International Euphonium Instituteby Adam Frey What started as just a thought, “what did I want to do with my...