Editor: Unknown
Chamber Music Corner: Kansas Brass Quintet
By: Mike Forbes
Chamber Music Corner: Kansas Brass Quintet by Mike Forbes, Associate Edtior In the past three Chamber Music Corners, this column has been focusing on...
ITEA Composer Friend: Alfred Bartles
By: Kenyon Wilson
ITEA Composer Friend: Alfred Bartles by Kenyon Wilson Alfred Howell Bartles—composer, arranger, cellist, and jazz pianist—died on December 28, 2006 at his home in...
Programs - Faculty/Professional Performances
By: Kenyon Wilson
Richard Demy, euphonium Community Church of God, Arlington, VA 01/20/07 Adagio For Strings……….Samuel Barber/arr. Richard Demy Fantasia……….Gordon Jacobs Songs of a wayfarer……….Gustav Mahler Cello...
Jens Bjørn-Larsen: A Portrait of the person, artist, and teacher
By: Joseph Skillen
Jens Bj Bjørn-Larsen: A Portrait of the person, artist, and teacher by Joseph Skillen, Louisiana State UniversityPhotos by Anna-Karin Skillen (www.annakarinsphotography.com) This is...
PEDAGOGICAL SECTION - Side note—Funny how teachers keep teaching us things all throughout life. Same thing happened to me several years ago when my Alcoa, Tennessee high school band teacher, Mr. Roy Holder, asked me in his then new position to perform with The Lake Braddock High School Symphonic Band as a soloist on a Chicago Mid-West concert. He selected Jim Barnes’ new
By: Jason Byrnes
Jason Byrnes, Associate Editor Tips for Tuba (Volume VII B): Holding the “Oh” by David Porter Cultivating Patience (Embracing Baby Steps)by John Schlabach Making...
SRTEC 2007 in Review
By: Jamie Lipton
SRTEC 2007 in Review by Jamie Lipton SRTEC 2007—the South Region Tuba/Euphonium conference—was held May 24–26 in Sarasota, Florida. Conference host Jay Hunsberger did...
ITEA Gem Series No. 15 - MELOS 2
By: Igor Krivokapič
No. 15 MELOS 2 By Igor Krivokapič Fourteen years ago a good friend of mine—a flute player, Cveto Kobal, asked me to write a...
Industry Focus - After a century of feverish inventing and constructing of entire families of new conical brass instruments, one might ask why we should try to invent another such family. Isn’t it enough that we have a heritage of almost forgotten and obsolete instrument families of valve bugles such as sudrophones, cornophones, helicons, sousaphones, herculesophones, pellitones, imperial cornets, saxtubas, saxotrombas, saxhorns, flicornis, mellophones, baroxytones, antoniophones, swanhorns, ballad horns, vocal horns, or lyrophones?
By: Igor Krivokapič
Industry Focus Introducing A New Helicon Family Member: Soprano Helicon by Igor Krivokapič After a century of feverish inventing and constructing of entire families...
President's Corner
By: Dennis Askew
President’s Corner Dennis AsKew, ITEA President Teachers. We’ve all had them–and still have them all around us, if we choose to see them. They...
Tuba-Euphonium Press Update
By: David Miles
Tuba-Euphonium Press Update David Miles, Tuba-Euphonium Press Editor Tuba-Euphonium Press is proud to announce the completion of a two-year project to add graded levels...