ITEA JOURNAL VOLUME 30:4 (Summer 2003)

Editor: Unknown
Impressions of William J. Bell
Impressions of William J. Bell By W. H. (Bill) Rose How William J. Bell Changed My Life My first meeting with William Bell was...
Style in Conducting
Style in Conducting By Robert Ryker Introduction We all start from the same black notes on the white page – the symbols the composer...
President’s Corner
/font> Dr. Mary Ann Craig, ITEA President I am honored and grateful to be serving as President of ITEA…Honored because of the rich history...
New Materials
Mark Nelson, Associate Editor Materials Received February 1-May 1 with thanks: Roger Bobo Plays the Tuba for treble choir, tuba, and piano by Brian...
ITEA 30th Anniversary Celebration
ITEA 30th Anniversary Celebration Honoring Harvey Phillips and the Founding of ITEA Jason Smith, editor, asked me to write a few words concern-ing the...
Founding Father
Founding Father By Jason Roland Smith Maestro Robert Rÿker Closing Volume 30 of the ITEA Journal with the summer issue and marking thirty years...
Conference Corner
Conference Corner By Janos Mazura 03—the first year in a long time without an ITEC. But don’t worry! You can appease your hunger for...
Tips for Tuba, Summer, Volume III C
Tips for Tuba, Summer, Volume III C David Porter, Principal Tubist, The McLean Orchestra Pressure? What Pressure? We continue talking about air, in particular...
Craig Kridel and Clifford Bevan, Editors Questions and Answers: Bass horns and Russian bassoons by Craig Kridel What are bass horns and Russian bassoons...
Oscar F. LaGass&eacute
Oscar F. LaGassé By Carole Nowicke October 15, 1903-May 30, 2002 “I keep thinking the Detroit Symphony today is fantastic, I think it’s the...