Editor: Unknown
ITEA General Meeting Minutes
By: Velvet Brown
ITEA General Meeting Minutes (Velvet Brown, Secretary) University of Greensboro, Greensboro, NC -ITEC 2002 Friday, May 31, 2002 • 11:00 a.m. EDT Executive Members...
Letters for our Former Editor...
By: Mark Nelson
Letters for our Former Editor… (By Mark Nelson) Honoring Dr. Jerry A. Young, ITEA Journal Editor (1985-1989, 1998-2002) In the spring of 1985, I...
New Materials
By: Mark Nelson
New Materials (Mark Nelson, Editor) The ITEA Journal encourages submissions of materials for review within the following guidelines: 1. With rare exceptions, unpublished manuscripts...
The Solo Tuba Music of Rogert Jager-Part 3
By: Kenyon Wilson
The Solo Tuba Music of Rogert Jager-Part 3 by Kenyon Wilson Reflections for Solo Tuba and Piano In March of 1983, R. Winston Morris...
By: Joseph Skillen
Euphonium & Tuba News (Joseph Skillen, Associate Editor) From the Editor Thank you all for your news submissions. They continue to make this column...
ITEC 2002
By: Dawn Holte
ITEC 2002 by Dawn Holte Truly An ITEC for You What do great music, even better instrumentation, and gool ol’ southern barbecues all have...
Tips for Tuba, Vol. IID
By: David Porter
Tips for Tuba, Vol. IID (David Porter, Principal Tuba, The McLean Orchestra) Resistance Isn’t Acceptance Breathing is such an important part of playing a...
Kenny Carr & The Tigers - An Introduction to Pentecostal Brass Shout Bands
By: Craig Kridel
Kenny Carr & The Tigers by Craigh Kridel, University of South Carolina An Introduction to Pentecostal Brass Shout Bands “The Shout Bands of the...
By: Carole Nowicke
(Craig Kridel and Clifford Bevan, editors) From the Archives by Carole Nowicke The ITEA Archives received two small but valuable donations during the past...