Editor: Unknown
President's Corner
By: Scott Watson
Presidents Corner Scott Watson, TUBA President Executive Committee Proposes Association Name Change Over the past year, the Executive Committee has invested a great deal...
So You Want To Attend a Conference?
By: Mark Nelson
So You Want To Attend a Conference? by Mark A. Nelson There are many major music conferences held each year around the world. Our...
By: Kelly O'Bryant
News Kelly O’Bryant, Editor (T.U.B.A. Journal News) Have a news item for Euphonium and Tuba News? Please send all news items DIRECTLY to Associate...
Conference Corner
By: John Griffiths
Conference Corner John Griffiths, Host, ITEC 2000 “Marianne, order another 30 ITEC watches from the supplier. This event is going to be a blockbuster...
Yuba Meets Jabba: The Expanding Role of Tuba in Film Music, Part i*
By: Gerry Sloan
Yuba Meets Jabba: by Gerry Sloan The Expanding Role of Tuba in Film Music, Part II Editor’s Note: The first part of this article...
A Message to the Euphonium membership (and the Membership At-Large) of T.U.B.A.
By: Earle Louder
A Message to the Euphonium membership (and the Membership At-Large) of T.U.B.A. by Earle Louder, Euphonium Coordinator It is my pleasure to address the...
By: Billy Jack Long
Yuba by Billy Jack Long One of the most beloved popular songs of the early twentieth century and a relatively early “tuba classic” probably...
HISTORICAL INSTRUMENT SECTION - The Living Role of Historical Instruments
By: Arnold Meyer
Historical Instrument Section Craig Kridel and Clifford Bevan, editors The Living Role of Historical Instruments by Arnold Meyer What use are museum instruments? Not...
A British Brass Band Experience
By: Adam Frey
A British Brass Band Experience by Adam Frey A British Brass Band Experience for an American Euphoniumist From August 1997 to November 1999, I...
In Memoriam: Dr. David Randolph
By: Adam Frey
In Memoriam: Dr. David Randolph Comments from two former students: The tuba world has lost an unheralded hero. David Mark Randolph, died Saturday morning,...