The Lifetime Achievement Awards were established by the Executive Committee of the Tubists Universal Brotherhood Association (now the International Tuba/Euphonium Association) in 1991 as a way to honor those individuals who have made exceptional achievements in and/or service to the euphonium and tuba profession and the advancement of our instruments in the music world. Every two years, the Executive Committee and Board of Directors select awardees from among five categories: performance, pedagogy, scholarship, industry, and composition. Deserving individuals who do not fit into one of these categories may be considered from time to time upon written request by any member of ITEA with accompanying documentation as outlined below. Posthumous awards may be made as deemed appropriate by the Board of Directors and without the normal nomination process.

Past Winners:


Persons nominated for the Lifetime Achievement Award will have demonstrated a career-long record of significant contributions to their part of the music profession or music industry. The principal nominator must be a member of ITEA.


  1. Nominations should include the following documentation, all to be submitted as a single PDF file:
    • a vita documenting the professional accomplishments of the nominee.
    • a letter of nomination from the principal nominator (who must be a member of ITEA).
    • three supporting letters are to be solicited by the principal nominator.
    • any additional supporting materials the nominator wishes to submit.
  2. All nominations will be submitted via the nominating portal on the ITEA website
  3. Nomination materials will be distributed by the President to the entire Executive Committee and Board of Directors for review and voting.
  4. Ballots will be cast in each category within one month of the closure of nominations with the nominees receiving the majority of votes receiving the award.
  5. The awards will be presented at each International Tuba Euphonium Conference, (normally every two years) as part of the Awards Banquet.
  6. Nominees who do not receive the award will automatically be continued into the succeeding two award cycles (two ITEC’s, normally four years) unless the nomination is withdrawn by the nominator in written communication to the President of ITEA.

The Herbert Wekselblatt Amendment

In circumstances wherein a duly qualified individual (as described previously in these guidelines and so recognized by the Board) is in an end-of-life situation, whether due to advanced age or terminal illness, the Board of Directors may direct the Executive Committee to designate that individual as a Lifetime Achievement Award recipient. Under this circumstance, when said person has been approved to receive the Award, it may be presented immediately (irrespective of the Awards Cycle) to the Awardee, and the Awardee will subsequently be recognized at the next ITEC Awards Banquet.

Amendment to Guidelines

These guidelines will be reviewed by the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors of ITEA every award cycle with possibility of amendment/alteration to be effective during the succeeding award cycle.

Last review and amendment: July 2019



ITEA Lifetime Achievement Award 2025
Closed for registration!