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Explanation of Registration Fee Types:
Early Bird
Is available for selected membership plans – before the Early Bird deadline as set on Conference Details.
Regular Is available for selected membership plans – after the Early Bird deadline. Typically used for ordinary
By Invitation Is available for invited members as set in this form. Individual presenters, individual ensemble players etc.
Group Is available for Teachers who want to register and pay for their students. This price is entered under Conference Details.
Coupon Is available for selected membership plans with a coupon code. The conference organizer distributes the codes as needed. This is typically used when you want to offer a special price for a group of people, and you don't know their individual email addresses.
Extras Is available for selected membership plans. For example, Piano Accompanist

Type of fee:
Can not be changed
Registration fee *
Enter registration fee in US dollars
Registration fee description *
For example: "Invited performer", "Regular Student registration" or "Piano accompanist" The amount is automatically added to the description.
The fee will be saved as:
Coupon codes
Enter one or more codes separated by a comma.
Invited members
Select one or more members that should get this price when registering. Search by email address. Only people registered on the ITEA website will be searchable.
Membership plans from 2 and up are ITEA members. Membership plan 1 (Free Web Guest), shall only be used in case you want to offer a special ticket for nonmembers.
Available for these member plans *
Select for which member plans this fee will be available